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Friday, September 4, 2009

Does God Not Exist??

Ahem ...
so here I am starting what I regard as one of my favourite dissertations..

before I begin I would just like to pray to the almighty to give me the strength so that I can convince all you readers of mine that there is no such entity as 'god' ...

ok there was an apparent paradox in the above sentence and that's the basic theme of this post. We will see various aspects of the arguments during this post..

Let me open with the classic watchmaker's theory, which states that if there is an intelligent design, a structure which is complex in nature (DNA, solar system, structure of an atom etc.) and can't possibly be generated out of sheer chance, natural causes then the only possible explaination is that it should have an intelligent designer. It's called the watchmaker's theory because it was developed based on comparison of the universe with a watch, which can't be made due to natural causes, and sheer chance and hence by law of negation it should have an intelligent creator.
Well developed in the 17th-18th centuries the theory was caught on by the church and widely propogated and the concept of creationism was born. God was obviously given the status of the creator of all that we see around, as it was supposed at that time that something so complex could not otherwise have come to reality.

As it turned out soon to follow up was the famous theory of evolution by Charles Darwin which showed how very complex structures, DNA, nervous systems, so many species of insects, birds etc could be explained by the terms, 'genetic mutation', 'natural selection' and 'survival of the fittest'. I won't go into details of 'evolution' because this post is about something else. So as it turned out the watchmaker's theory was effectively blown to pieces, even other complex phenomenon like solar system etc were explained by laws of gravitaion and nebular hypothesis etc.

So, the reason which was cited for God's existence was taken away, and in effect we can safely say today that we don't need god to create our universe because it can exist on it's own, and develop into complex sturtures through either long durations of hit and trial operations or based on natural laws of nature which can be nearly explained by science today.

But does this put an end to the eternal debate?
Absolutely not!
Infact the debate is as fierce as it ever was. Lets analyse this particular argument for example. We say that we have found a perfect reason for every phenomenon to occur ever, and that there are no mysteries left and hence there is no need for god to exist because we know how things work. God is not the creator because a creator is not required, the universe can exist on it's own and can develop and grow through various processes of evolution. Now my question to this point of view is, assuming god is all mighty and powerful and had the power to create all the universe and the various laws that govern it, would he be so naive so as to leave loop holes in his massive creation. What I mean to say is if he made a thing work, would he not also develop a system that would make that thing work. For example let's take the solar system, the planets revolving around the sun. So let's assume god wanted to do something like this, because sun could act as a source of energy for earth which he wanted to be inhabited for some godly reasons of his.

Now, one way of doing this would be simple order the sun to stay stationary and earth to keep revolving around, he is god he can do it. But, because he is perfect he would not use his absolute powers or not display magical properties. So he makes a set of rules, which we discovered as the gravitational laws. By, making these rules he legalized the entire process of revolution and all and hence cleaned all evidences of his intervention. He created a self sustainable system, because perhaps he had other universes to create or other godly affairs to deal with. With this fool proof system of laws he made sure that he doesn't always have to stand by and watch whether the sun and earth are obeying or not. besides he wouldn't ever have to take the blame of using his supernatural powers to affect the lives of any living creatures. It's similar to a democracy where the ruling party never implements a decision of it's choice by forcing it on people. It makes it a law, by passing a proper act and stuff and hence it makes the law credible. By the virtue of being a law it can't be challanged and is not subject to speculation or questioning. It's no more a matter on which people can comment or raise fingers at, it's a law it has to be accepted as it is.

So well god the politician knew if he just used his powers like a dictator people would eventually raise fingers and might hate him for telling them what to do so what he did was took the diplomatic approach and laid down laws, and then called it a democracy. As it turned out he was able to clean all the traces of his presence by effectively eliminating all evidences, by putting in laws which replace him effectively in his absence and today what we witness is a clean godfree world.

I am glad I call myself an agnostic person because I had started this post with the theme of ending it at a critical analysis of watchmaker's analogy and hence showing we dont need a god to our creator but as it turned out I found a way out of that atheist point of view and now for the time being I cant convince myself that god can't possibly exist.. I am glad I am an agnostic.. :D
perhaps need to change the 1st few paras now but maybe dat wud remind me of a task incomplete...

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