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Friday, September 11, 2009

For PGPIM eyes only

“ Friends, Romans, Countrymen”

“I have a dream...”

“One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”

“I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds”

These are some oft-quoted, legendary words that have been uttered or written by some great men. And I am sure that some of you will be clueless, a la VG in Prof. Ashra’s economics group presentation, about the attributes of at least one of these. But the 34 fortunate souls of PGPIM have had the honour of hearing another quite memorable phrase which the rest of the world has no idea of. They will never have the pleasure of being able to giggle or laugh out loud (I detest the acronym used liberally for this expression and can’t bear the English language being sodomised as it is) at the wonderful collection of words spoken so confidently by one of us. How could our friend have known the impact it would have on PGPIM? Or how was it possible for people to connect so well, like Mr. Harish Jain and Keshava in statistics class, over one incident? On no one topic could people anywhere be so much in agreement with, not even on the quite obvious alarmingly retarded IQ level of one George Bush.

As all of you are aware, the lifestyles that we’ve chosen won’t do us any good over the long term. Sitting in front of the laptop the whole day, writing the most boring and random blogs ever, no exercise, starting chain mails for no good reason at all other than that you have nothing to do in office, etc. will no doubt lead us and the readers of the aforementioned blog to their graves (I think we may be the only ones reading) not much later than 60, maybe 70 if you’re lucky and significantly earlier if you read the blog.But when the last surviving members of the class have a reunion sometime in the 2060s, even ones with the alzheimer’s disease would show a flicker of recognition each time the phrase is spoken, falsely raising the hopes of doctors in finding a cure.

It happened in one of our earlier classes where we were asked to introduce ourselves and state what fields we wanted to work in after this course. When all of us starting reciting the same old stuff, “I would like to go into marketing”, or finance or strategy, etc., this bright young student must have thought of deviating from the trodden path, breaking the norms and separating himself from the mundane by conjuring up a career choice nobody had an inkling of. I am assuming this guy must have been forming the sentences in his head before his chance came. How could he not have sensed then?
So when the person to his right was saying,
“I want to have a career in finance and strategy”, he would have felt smug at the banality of the responses of his classmates and his upcoming brilliant introduction. How could he have envisaged that the choice of words would become the butt of all jokes in the class or that he would be haunted by that day for eternity? There was still time to reconsider and not set the wheels of hilarity (for us, that is) in motion...Alas,

He sanguinely stood up at his turn and said,

“Sir, I am Vaibhava. I want to..... ”

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