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Friday, September 4, 2009

Push N Pull

The more u pull harder it pushes... I am not describing any porno scene but its the real fact that I have sensed during this job life. During the last few months I have learned a lot but I am not clear whether it is the right thing I am learning, is it better for me or I m just killing time. But truly I have started hating this life.
I have experienced the sick atmosphere prevailing in manufacturing industry, I shouldnt say corporate world bcoz it doesn felt that much but I am sure it has started hitting me. I hav learned how to throw the ball to others court and how to kick the ball coming towards you without making a single movement. How good deeds are becoming bad and vice versa. During this pathetic factory registration work, yess I am the coordinator but what say u getting all the big balls in yours ... but you kick them all and make others work...
But the gud things r really gud. Yaa I also worked a lot but again it was kinda push n pull. More u try to pull your supplier more your boss n customer specially internal tries to push you. Well its kinda weird but its the real fact. Thus whole thing moves around Supply chain or managing movement of goods and stuff.
Being a good manager depends on how you fulfill your target dates and keep your boss happy...bcoz boss is always right...
Everyone knows how to do their work in their own way and some knows how to spoil other works. They dont find difficulties in their working but with others only.
Wen looking back I always see myself as someone who was good in techs n wanted to be a real techie n join an automobile company, n yaa my dream came true with AL but say what it all ended as soon as I was under training I started diverting towards management. I started going gaga over management gurus n their fundas n specially supply chain. hell lot depends on it. can save upto certain folds which u cant imagine. But was I right I still cant fgure it out. Sometimes I feels like being a manager is one of the easiest thing and other side its like big bang which keeps on expanding its limits more and more as you try to touch its boundaries farther you go away from it. I hav never failed in my tasks and I kwow will never, but then till when I will keep behaving unlike me?
Again its not about earning money but its about keeping your boss happy...bcoz boss is always right... And I still admire supply chain which is the real backbone of any industry and thats why I still am going on despite all the negativities I am feeling...
Right now I am listening to Smack My Bitch Up & what the hell I am writing I dun kw. But I kw one thing, how will I manage my boss tomorrow morning...

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