The Blog belongs to group of bloggers trying to collaborate to make a more diverse, more interesting and better known blog...

Monday, September 21, 2009

Of judgements and Indians

A: abbe tu kabhi blog pe kuch post karega ya saari zindagi sirf baate hi banata rahega
me: abbe likhoonga yaar.....

This is a small part of one of the countless conversations which i had with the creator of this blog. I started wondering.....what is it that keeps me from i scared of people's reactions or as Saty says for conversations, i just don't have anything constructive to add......may be that's true......However, more than anything I am scared of being judged.....sure, i am judged all the time by my actions....but writing is just another action....and that will be judged....

I can recount a similar incident when "junglee" who is revered and considered very wise by one and all(God only knows why)......posted on this blog.....and everybody, me included commented on his post (personally, not in writing ) when we ourselves cant write to save our lives.....
There are two reasons for, we expect a lot from junglee and two, we have this urge to judge others (by default)

Reason one may be understandable....however, i would focus on reason two....I believe that we have developed this over the years, a quality (if u can call that) of criticising, commenting, judging others......and it can be a variety of things.....think about, politics, clothes,cricket, sport (they are diff for Indians), language, blog posts, drinks,cocktails, anything and everything......we either like it or want something to be better or someone to be better.....We seem to have opinions about everything......immaterial of whether we are good at it....(Exhibit A : Cricket)

Now, I wonder if this is the quality Indians possess or is it a quality that mankind has....lets assume that its just us indians who are in this world to have an opinion about anything and everything in this world......(might be true).......If that is so....its great although it can get very it because of our "great Indian democracy" where the PM also doesnt have great power and is bound by expectations to perform in a certain manner?

P.S: Parting gift for Ashwini who leaves Paris in 2 days....and starts a new chapter in his life in Madrid......All the best!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the gift, Zanty... It's a good read really, and probably it's just because we are in a hierarchical society, and it is expected of us to advice and criticize and improve anything that comes under us...

    We don't judge or criticize our elders or parents, only our siblings, friends, politicians, cricketers etc... and yes democracy does have a role in that...
